TAIEX TRATOLOW Regional workshop on Long-term Climate Finance

Objective of the workshop was to present the TRATOLOW Beneficiaries the last developments within the European Commission regarding the long term climate finance, sustainable finance strategy, EU Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth, green finance and long-term investments in sustainable economic activities and projects.

Foto Green Finance

14 & 15 September 2021

Participants learned about the effectiveness, including results and impacts, of climate finance and the provision of financial support. Further, an overview of the state of mobilization and delivery of climate finance, as well as insights and lessons learned from the long-term climate finance process from the Member States were provided, for example Austrian Green Investment Hub & Green Investment Pioneers Programme.

New climate roadmap of the Europe’s central bank, which lays out a four-year plan, was presented. This roadmap was published in July 2021 and states that, over the next 18 months, the ECB will develop “indicators on green financial instruments” and for banks’ carbon footprints and exposure to physical climate risk.

The participants learned about the engagement of the local financial actors and stakeholders, such as national banks, public authorities and private financial institutions. An overview of the international efforts greening the banking sector was provided.
