TAIEX TRATOLOW Study visit for Serbian experts to Austria on “Assessment of GHG permit applications and monitoring plans

Foto der Müllverbrennungsanlage Spittelau, Wien

15 - 18 January 2024
Study Visit | Vienna Austria

From 15 to 18 January 2024, the Environment Agency Austria under TRATOLOW Project hosted a study visit for Serbian experts, offering a comprehensive exploration of the European Emissions Trading System  (ETS) implementation. The primary objective was to strengthen expertise in GHG permit approval and meticulous assessment of monitoring plans. Participants focused on the nuances of the Monitoring Plan template within the ETS scope, aiming to elevate their competence in facilitating an effective GHG monitoring process. The study visit primarily took place at the Environment Agency Austria in Vienna, featuring a rich program to enhance participants' understanding of various ETS aspects.

The first two days concentrated on detailed presentations on General ETS aspects and the implementation of ETS in Austria, followed by sessions on GHG Permitting and Monitoring and Reporting Principles. In addition, the participants worked on several practical exercises as to learn on the practical application of the theory presented.

The third day featured a unique field trip to Wien Energie, providing practical insights into completing a monitoring plan. This immersive experience exposed participants to monitoring intricacies, carbon management protocols, and practical challenges in plan preparation, fostering valuable lessons and in-depth discussions.

The final day included a step-by-step review of the Monitoring Plan template, practical exercises, and discussions on Commission guidance. Participants geared up for the permitting process and Monitoring Plan approval in Serbia with expert insights. The study visit concluded with closing remarks, marking the end of this informative and engaging event that deepened participants’ understanding of ETS implementation.
