TAIEX TRATOLOW High level workshop on a regional approach to carbon pricing, Vienna, Austria

Foto Daumen Hoch

9 - 10 October 2023
Workshop | Vienna Austria

Explore a Greener Future Together

The TRATOLOW beneficiaries, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Türkiye have embraced their commitment to the Paris Agreement. To meet their climate goals, they have been diligently working on adopting climate legislation and policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Among the key strategies discussed are the Emission Trading System (ETS) and carbon pricing. For the TRATOLW beneficiaries carbon pricing represents both an incredible opportunity and a significant challenge. The High-Level Workshop was organized to foster discussions and collaboration, enabling the exchange of ideas and expertise while considering a regional approach to carbon pricing.

At the heart of the workshop, a dynamic exchange of knowledge and insights took center stage:

  • Diverse Expertise: The event featured presentations from experts hailing from the European Union Member States (Croatia, Finland, Lithuania), EU Directorate-Generals (CLIMA, NEAR, TAXUD), the World Bank, the Energy Community, and the TRATOLOW Project. This rich diversity of perspectives laid the foundation for productive discussions.
  • Regional cooperation on carbon pricing: Participants discussed the possibilities for regional cooperation in introducing carbon pricing, which could potentially streamline efforts in the region and enhance overall effectiveness. Participants expressed great interest, leading to a commitment to exchange contact data and continue sharing information.
  • Beneficiary Insights: Representatives of the TRATOLOW beneficiaries provided insights into the current status of the implementation of climate legislation and regulations, their readiness in terms of legal and institutional frameworks, and their preparedness for the carbon pricing and Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).

The workshop concluded with a promising outlook. Participants expressed their willingness to delve deeper into regional cooperation in implementation of carbon pricing, paving the way for future discussions. As the TRATOLOW beneficiaries strive to align with international climate commitments, these conversations are pivotal to shaping their climate strategies and fostering collaboration with the European Union.

The TAIEX TRATOLOW High-Level Workshop was just the beginning. As the world's focus intensifies on carbon pricing and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the collaboration between the Western Balkans and Türkiye is a beacon of hope. Stay tuned for more updates and developments on this exciting journey towards a greener, more sustainable future.
